Safely Reopening Workplaces and the Right to Refuse Unsafe Work

Written by: Daniel McBain

On May 6, 2020, the Province announced its Restart Plan for gradually reopening the economic, social and cultural life of B.C. While many of the details remain to be determined, a number of important changes for working people are coming.

In the absence of consultation and adequate measures being taken, some workers may be required to exercise their right to refuse unsafe work. This blog sets out formal processes available to unions and employees to provide input, and the right to refuse unsafe work where that input does not result in a safe workplace.

A May Day Message from the Partners of Moore Edgar Lyster LLP

It is with a large helping of gratitude and a side order of sadness that we write to announce the retirement of our founding partner, mentor and friend, Shona Moore Q.C. We had grand plans to share this news with you in more celebratory ways but, for now, social distancing measures carry the day.

Shona will be retiring from Moore Edgar Lyster LLP effective July 31, 2020, to open her new practice as a labour arbitrator, a well deserved change of pace after 40 years of practice.

Managing a Non-Profit Organization in a Pandemic: Your Legal Obligations and Best Employment Practices

On April 23, 2020, Lindsay M. Lyster, Q.C., and Melissa VanderHouwen gave a webinar on Managing a Non-Profit Organization in a Pandemic - Your Legal Obligations and Best Employment Practices. This webinar was presented for the Law Foundation of British Columbia.

The slides from this presentation can be found here.

Lay-offs, termination, severance, and leaves for federally regulated employees affected by COVID-19

The following is information for federally regulated employees whose employment is governed by the Canada Labour Code (the “Code”). If you are a provincially regulated employee, please see our earlier blog post with information about how your rights may be impacted by COVID-19.

BC Government acts to provide job security to workers affected by COVID-19

Written by: Sara Hanson

BC employees are now entitled to unpaid leaves of absence for COVID-19 related reasons, after amendments to BC’s Employment Standards Act introduce job protection for employees who require time off due to COVID-19 and unpaid illness or injury leave for all employees.

Information for Unions Responding to COVID-19 in the Workplace

The current COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on workers, unions, and our communities at large. Union representatives are undoubtedly receiving many questions about rights and responsibilities in relation to health, safety, employment security, income and benefits, etc. One of the many challenges is the staying up to date on relevant resources, guidelines and governmental actions.

The lawyers at Moore Edgar Lyster hope this post will be of some assistance to you in navigating these challenges.

COVID-19: Lay-offs, Terminations and Severance Pay

Written by Sara Hanson and Melissa VanderHouwen

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian society is rapidly taking the idea of social distancing more seriously. From a public health perspective, social distancing is a laudable response to this unprecedented modern health crisis, but the trickle down effects for Canadian workers could be significant.

Starting this week, more and more employers have been encouraging employees who are able to do so to work from home. However, working from home is simply not possible for employees in many industries, especially those working in the service and retail industries that demand daily contact with the public. In those industries, many employers are now opting or being required to close, meaning that many employees are being told they are being laid off indefinitely, or even terminated from their employment.